Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This too, shall pass....

God has been faithful to make very clear to me one thing...that he is near...He is here. Philipians 4:5 says "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."

In every scripture I've read, every encouraging word from friends, it seems to be the theme...and the reason He's having to remind me of this is because I've believed the lie that He's somehow uninterested in the circumstances of my life. I've believed that He is silent. I've believed that He sees my pain but it doesn't move Him to action. I've believed that my suffering is permanent...when the Bible says that everything has it's season. I've believed that for some reason, He must have decided to leave me this way - broken, tired and discouraged. How opposite these things are from His character!

I don't know if anyone reads this besides a few of my friends...but whether this is a reminder to a few or to many, please know that He is faithful. Even when your emotions tell you different. And it's not my job to figure out the "how." I am simply called to trust in the One who knows how.

1 comment:

Psalm112 said...

I can't begin to tell you how your words of encouragement have blessed me and been such a reminder of who Christ is despite the struggles I am going through...I found your blog from Chelsea's and read your pumpkin entry on a day that I needed to be reminded of His love for me as His child. Thank you!!! Continue to let Him speak through you.