Monday, August 2, 2010


I'm going to try to rejoin the blogworld. This summer has been good for me - a time to slow down a little, get some exercise, some sleep and some much needed time to plug in to learning through the Word and thru good teaching. I'm on a tough personal journey of trying to trust in the Lord's goodness, to cast my cares upon Him, and to walk out truth in my life - the reality that it's for me and not just for other people. I'm enjoying my kids...I have needed the slower pace...and yet it all comes to an end after this week. It's back to school time and back to long days and routines...I'm asking the Lord that the things he's been teaching me this summer will extend into the year ahead. May I seek to know him more deeply with every trial and every joy. I'll keep you posted as we move along...


Jen Braden said...

LOVE the family pic.!!!! I will be praying for you and I can't wait to hear about all the great things the LORD does!!!

Robyn said...

Yay! Glad you are re-blogging... that so isn't a word, but you know what I mean and I'm praying for you too as you gear up for school. It's really weird to be left out of the going-back to school season. I love you and am praying for you sweet friend!

The Walmer Family said...

Am glad to see you back on the blogosphere! Hope we can connect soon!