Monday, April 28, 2008


Ever have one of those days where you feel stuck...and you're like, "wait, how did I get here??" or rather, "why do I feel like I'm always in this same place?" (like the excruciating movie Groundhog Day.) I'm having one of those days. I feel like no matter how many dishes I do, there are still more. Same thing with laundry and picking up the trail behind my 15 month old love.

But the worst part is feeling stuck spiritually. I constantly neglect the NECESSARY things for those that are trivial. Like dishes instead of Bible Study or prayer. I know there are many reasons for this...laziness, pride (not wanting to sit down and spill my junk in confession before the Lord), distraction, guilt....So each morning I say to myself, "when Lily goes down for her morning nap I'm working on my Bible study..." or "when Lily goes down tonight I'm going to spend some significant time praying..." and somehow it falls by the wayside. Like right now. I'm blogging. She's sleeping.

Thankfully I serve a God of grace, and One who doesn't leave me to figure it all out on my own. My prayer for today is simply that he would help me to do what pleases Him in each moment...that my heart would love Him more by the time I go to bed tonight, that my faith would be a little bit stronger and that I look a little more like Jesus. Praise to the One who doesn't desire to see us stuck!

1 comment:

Lindsay Wagner said...

Just got caught up on all my this one. My goodness, who of us doesn't feel that way at times. Love the pic of Lily!!! I have one exactly like it of Hayden! :) Love you!