Saturday, August 16, 2008

Girly Moment

Okay...most romantic movies are cute, and there are certain things that pull at my feminine heartstrings, but one of my top favorites of all time is The Notebook. It's on the family channel tonight, and I happened to sit and watch a few minutes of it. Every time I see this movie (which has probably been 8-10 times) I notice something new.

Tonight? There's a scene where Noah takes Allie to an old abandoned plantation home. He tells her he's gonna buy it someday and how he will fix it up. Allie coyly responds, "don't I get any say in this?" Noah says, "do you want a say in it?" And she proceeds to tell him in detail what she wants and makes him promise he'll do it. He quitely promises, with a hint of a smile. And you know what? Years later, when he works on the house, he does EXACTLY as he promised. He remembers the details and gives them to her, knowing she will be pleased.

What girl doesn't love that???? I actually got a little teary watching the scene, and it wasn't even one of the moments with sweet music in the background to really get you going. I'm not even going to blame it on pregnancy and hormones...I'm just secretly a romantic.

That Nicholas Sparks...he must have done extensive research with the women in his life before writing this one...

1 comment:

valerie said...

we really are related. i sat down and watched the exact same part of the notebook tonight. gets me everytime.