Friday, July 11, 2008


This is an excerpt out of a book called Fruit of Her Hands. I've not read it, but saw this quoted elsewhere, and it gave me SUCH RELIEF this morning. I need to continue to think about it, but hope it offers encouragement to others of you as well.

A dictionary defines a principle as “a basic truth, general law, or doctrine used as a basis of reasoning or a guide to actions or behavior.”

A Christian woman must learn to think biblically; she must derive her basic principles of living from God’s Word.

A method, in contrast, is “a procedure or way of doing something.” In other words, we use methods to apply our principles.

Sometimes an overzealous allegiance to method will lead to confusion and controversy. Suddenly, pressure is exerted to convince women to join the group and support a particular method. The young Christian woman can be made to feel that she isn’t really dedicated unless she adopts “the method.”

We ought to rejoice in a common commitment to biblical principles and in the variety of methods God’s people employ. If we become overzealous for conformity to our method, strife between Christians will commonly result.

“Be at peace among yourselves.” (1 Thess. 5:12-13)

In a godly Christian home, the methods should be the result of the husband’s teaching and convictions with the wife’s support and help.

I often feel like maybe I'm doing things "wrong" with Lily. I let her have a pacifier when she sleeps, and in the car. Some people are opposed to "pacis." I let her eat Mac and Cheese sometimes, and even the occasional Fruit Loop. Some people give strictly organic foods and things that are not processed. I had to work part time, and so she was in daycare two days a week...I'm not planning on homeschooling...I haven't done a "mommy and me swim class." You get the picture.

These are all methods. And I'm under the authority of the Lord concerning how I parent Lily. Am I called to be engaged and active? yes. Am I called to be her authority? yes. Am I called to make healthy choices for her until she can make them herself? yes. Am I responsible for learning and thinking and praying concerning Lily? yes. The relief comes in knowing that its okay if how it plays out in my home is different from how it plays out in someone else's. I'm a huge victim to comparison (which I'm working on with the Lord!) and so it was nice to hear that different from someone I respect/admire doesn't equal wrong.

Praise the Lord for freedom within the confines of his word!


Unknown said...

Hi Kaytie,
I found your blog through Valerie's Facebook. I feel the same way too about my parenting and I compare as well; but I'm sure you're doing just fine! Take care!

Lindsay Wagner said...

i just absolutely LOVE this blog! You truly are my kindred put things so a way that i honestly never could. we are both mommies that are trying to do the best for our daughters, and it is refreshing to know that there are many ways to do it. And wonderful to know I can call you to ask questions! I just love you beyond words!!!