Sunday, November 15, 2009

spiritual amnesia...

i have decided this is an affliction that i have to battle more than i'd like to admit. often, i am in church, i hear something in a song or scripture that resonates with me. it gets me thinking about how that applies to me, or perhaps it stirs some conviction in my heart, etc. i can even be moved to the point of tears during a sermon or time of worship...and then often before i even make it all the way home the amnesia strikes. the "i really need to spend some time thinking/praying/reading on that" somehow dissolves with the needs of my children, the piles of laundry, the school responsibilities (another post entirely) and the other stresses that happen to be in my personal/family life right now.

if you read the previous post you can tell that this is kind of an ongoing battle for me at the moment...who i want to be and who i am are worlds apart right now.

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