Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sixteen Months

Dear Lily,

In two days you will be 16 months old. I am not very good at scrapbooking, taking endless pictures, or the like. I haven't even finished your baby book yet - but I will! Instead I thought I would write you a letter from time to time to let you know how much I love you.

You are spunky and you already have such a mind of your own! When I say "do you need a new diaper?" you say "okay" but then halfway to your room it becomes a game of chase - you swing your arm and go as fast as your little legs can take you in the opposite direction!

You love to sing the "hot dog" song that comes on at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You walk around singing it all day long, but it sounds more like "Gog gog." Close enough! You can say Mickey, but you call it "Me Mouse" when you put his name together.

Your new favorite word is "airplane" and you point up to the sky saying it, even if there's no airplane in sight. Your Aunt Ju-Ju taught you that word.

Strawberries are one of your favorite foods. I swear you'd eat a whole container of them if I'd let you! You also love pasta, bananas, pears, green beans...and animal cookies!

Yesterday you were giving yourself kisses in the mirror... and each time you would stand up and giggle with your hand over your mouth.

Whenever I am on the floor picking something up (like all the books you pulled off the shelf) you come over and give me a hug wherever you can grab on to me. I LOVE it!

Outside is where you want to be! It doesn't matter if you're just wandering around the backyard with our big hairy dog Hank, pointing out squirrels, going on a walk, or sitting on the front step. You would live outside if I would let you, I think!

You are beautiful. Just beautiful. Everyone says you look so much like Daddy, and you do. But I like to think there's a little bit of me in there too! You have soft soft cheeks and your eyes are a gorgeous blue - not to mention those lashes! You have the sweetest smile and when you're being silly you wrinkle up your nose.

You love to say "Hi mommy" or "Hi daddy" over and over and over. Even if we've been in the same room together for a while, sometimes it just strikes you to say hello anyway.

I love how after we pray at dinner you can't wait to say "MEN!" And you know exactly which book has Jesus on the cover of it - anytime you hear His name you go straight for it.

I love you, little girl. You have blessed me tremendously in the short time you have been in my life. I can't believe that it's already been 1 year and 4 months...and I pray that the Lord would help me to soak up every moment, every laugh, every hug....you are precious to me.




valerie said...

this little letter made me tear up. i love your sweet baby, my little niece. she holds a special, irreplaceable place in my heart. you are a wonderful mama and have an amazing little baby... (i taught her to say hand yesterday and she would touch her handprint on the fridge) anyway- love you, and am blessed to be your sister, and your daughters aunt.

valerie said...

this letter to your baby made me tear up. you are such an amazing mom kaytie, someone i look up to in every way. your little baby holds such an irreplaceable special place in my heart. she truly is a joy- and we are all very blessed to know her- even at her 16 months, she teaches us so much! Love you!

valerie said...
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Lindsay Wagner said...

so sweet! i am so thankful that our daughters are getting to grow up together. maybe they're starting to realize that they're the best of friends...just like their mamas! :) love you!

Lindsay Wagner said...

love this letter! i am so thankful that our little girls are getting to grow up together. maybe they'll soon realize that they are the best of friends, just like their mamas! love you mama kaytie & lily grace!

deb said...

wow! what a treasure for lily to read when she is our age. you inspire me!