Tuesday, May 19, 2009

around our house...

i think we're all healthy again - well, really it was just lily but it felt like we were all sick because we had to stay home! lily somehow got hand, foot and mouth disease. oh yeah. its a virus that is pretty common in children that causes little blisters on hands, feet, and you guessed it - in her mouth. ouch! she was such a trooper, and in need of reward - that will explain the ice cream in this picture:

jude is still just the sweetest thing ever. he is now officially a thumb sucker. see evidence below:

happy tuesday to you!


valerie said...

He got his thumb :)

Glad little miss is back to herself! what a horrible virus! at least jude didnt catch it.

love u guys.

Jen Braden said...

Can't wait to catch up!! I am so glad Lily is feeling better!! And Mr. Jude... What a cutie!!

Rachel said...

I love it! Well, not the virus, but sweet Jude with his little thumb in his mouth. What a cutie! We need to see you guys SOON!