Thursday, May 7, 2009

Help me Rhonda.

Okay fellow mothers. Help me. My 2 year old has a sleeping issue. We try to have her in bed every night by 8:00 because she takes sometimes as long as an hour to go to sleep - likes to get up, gather her toys, play with things, ask for water, etc. etc. etc. Then, you might think to yourself, oh, well she probably sleeps till 8:00 the next morning then! Oh, no maam. She wakes up at 6. or 6:30. Unacceptable. This morning it was 4:50. I put her back in bed. She comes back in at 5:36. I put her back in bed. She begins to wail. I finally (with much frustration, I'll admit) go lay down with her and she falls asleep till 7.

Meanwhile, my chubby little son feels its necessary to still wake up every 3-4 hours in the night to eat. I read on facebook an acquaintance of mine was excited that her baby (2 weeks older than mine) is sleeping for 9 hours at night. WHAT??? So my night last night looked like this: 10:15, in bed. 1:15, feed Jude. 4:20, feed Jude. 4:50, up with Lily. 5:36, up with Lily. 7:00 up for the day. I'm tired. Suggestions, friends??


Mindy Dillingham said...

Sorry, no suggestions; only sympathy! Mary Kate didn't sleep through the night until she was 10 months but now she sleeps great. It is exhausting when they don't sleep. Hang in there!

Christine said...

first of all..when little Jude is 3 months old do not hesitate to let him cry it out. Don't know if you do that method or not, but he should be big enough sleep through the least give you 6-7 hours.

When Taylor was 2 her first number she learned was 7. I posted a sticky note next to the digital clock in her room and told her to wait until those numbers matched, then you could get up. It seriously worked like a charm. I KNOW she got up in the 6's, but she knew if she got up earlier she would be in trouble. So she just played in her room until then. I started that with Nathan too and he does it.

Hope those little tidbits help.

Tabaitha said...

Taylor is 7 weeks and still fills the need to wake every 3 hours to eat too. She teased me with a few 4 to 5 hours stretches a couple of times, but I haven't seen that in awhile. Praying you get some sleep.

The Walmer Family said...

Do you have Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weissbluth? It is literally my 2nd Bible. Have you tried an earlier bedtime for Lily? Dr. Weissbluth recommends that in his book and I've found it works for me. It's counterintuitive but maybe try 7:30, then 7:15 for awhile until her sleeping gets back under control.