Saturday, May 23, 2009

this makes me sad.

i realize that i don't know this family. i simply watch their life on tv. and i haven't followed this season's show while they're living in their MONSTROSITY of a house. but i have watched in the past and i have found them to be incredibly endearing. okay, so kate barks at john a lot...they have 8 kids, people, and she is about the most type-a person i've ever seen! i have always been impressed by the time they spend together as a family...constantly trying to expose their kids to new experiences, the amount of planning that goes into their outings, their organic meals, their parenting, etc. i teared up when i watched the episode where they renewed their vows in hawaii - kate said to her husband "thank you for marrying me again" and i felt like there was so much behind that statement.

so what's up with all this drama? i don't know what's true and what isn't...i pretty much don't pay attention until it's in people magazine - but i can't even bring myself to read it because it makes my stomach hurt. if john did cheat - it breaks my heart. if he didn't - all the exposure and gossip makes me so sad for their family. i realize that people in the spotlight often get caught up in all the exterior perks and begin to stray from what's important...and i don't really react when hollywood couples don't make it, simply because that's so common...but this one gets me because they were just normal people. i hope they're able to make it work and be a picture of reconciliation to all the viewers that follow their story.

enough writing about the lives of a family that i don't even know. but i have to admit that i'm still sad.


Missy said...

Kaytie - I was thinking the same thing today as I saw previews about the drama. I am curious if it is all true, or just hype to get viewers for this season. I don't watch it often, but it makes me so sad!

Rachel said...

I'm so sad, too. I love the show and think I've seen every episode. I used to say Kate was my hero (but I'd like to be a little nicer). I read the people article and watched the sneak peak of Monday's season premier. It's not looking good for these 2...or 10. : (

valerie said...

im watching old episodes of it now, and things are so good...what happened!? so very sad.

k lippe said...

I read all the mags this last week when I was sitting on the beach. It is very sad...but what is most interesting is that both of them keep saying "we'll do what is right for the kiddos" - never we are going to try to work it out - which makes me even MORE sad. I would have thought they would try to make it work. One of our discussions on the beach was was - if he wants to go out - then you need to be there to support him as his WIFE - if it will make it better. Not running around the country trying to make more money. It is sad - I hope they can work it out.